What should be on your restaurant’s website?

You decide to create a site for your restaurant or bar. What kind of information should you have on the website to interest new clients?

In this article, we will write a list of all the needed info for the site. It’s up to you what to choose from this list.

We will start from what must be on the site.

  1. Photo of the restaurant – outside.
    It helps your client to find exactly your place, but not confuse or make a mistake and come to a neighbor restaurant of your competitor. He/she will notice your facade from far away.
  2. Your restaurant’s description should include your cuisine, have you got musicians or not, how many seats are there, is it possible to order a whole place, has your place got any entertainment programs, or business lunch. You can write everything just to attract the clients.
  3. Working hours.
  4. Menu. It is needed to see your cuisine and for the understanding of how much money to take with him. The guide of the tourists’ group should inform the members of the group about the price of the dinner.
  5. Photos of the interior. You client should have a possibility to see the interior, the sizes of the place, furniture, the number of seats, the arrangements of the seats. A customer wants to understand:
    • Is this place right for your huge company or a group of tourists,
    • Is it comfortable,
    • Is this restaurant suitable for the romantic date,
    • Is there a place for dancing,
    • Is there a big screen to watch a football match,
    • What table is the best to book.
  6. Portfolio. You should upload client’s photos during some events or usual days. The aim is to show how popular is your place, what a fantastic atmosphere you have, and the satisfaction of your guests. You show what kind of people are your clients. For example you may show a family with kids. Or that, there are so many sexy girls and they enjoy this kind of rest. Or maybe some older people prefer you bar.
  7. Announcement. This could be:
    • the poster of your nearest events, musical concerts, celebrations, games translations,
    • the announcement of some discounts: “buy two and get one for free”, or “bonuses at a special time”,
    • the announcement of new dish,
    • information about the working moments of this restaurants: “the place will be closed during these days”, “vacancy for a waiter”, “opening new place” etc.
  8. The map with your address and phone number.Now let’s mention some facts that aren’t mandatory, but advisable.
  9. Testimonials. There should be minimum 10 comments about your place. Some photos with their words or videos. These testimonials should be from people of your target audience. For example, comments from the client who ordered a banquet, family with kids, teenagers, adults, businessmen, representatives of various nationalities and etc. Generally, you should mention all people who are welcome here.
    People are looking for the good testimonials. And this helps to advertise your place even more.Some popular tourists’ organizations can mark your restaurant with a good comment. For instance, it could be from Trip Adviser.
  10. Facebook plugin. It will show how many friends you have got, you help others to join your community. Maybe, it is easier to write some announcements in Facebook. Then it is better to make your plugin bigger for everybody to notice it.
  11. Buttons of different social media are great because they help to recommend your place quicker.
  12. Language versions. If your restaurant is in a popular tourist place and people from all over the world also visit you, it is very useful function. This language switching can be made with the translator plugin (for example – Google translator). But remember that automatical translations are of the low quality nowadays. They help only to understand the general meaning. It is much better, if you make language versions for the website in 2-3 languages.Some functions, which may be on more complicated websites
  13. Online shop. If you deliver food.
  14. Table booking. If there is a huge hall, there are some concerts and performances. Or if all your seats and tables booked for the nearest month or more, your client should have a chance to order the needed seat.
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20 January 2017 by Yuri Salmanov
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